Warframe – Obtaining Khora Prime Bounties – Quest & Boss Drops (2024)

Warframe – Obtaining Khora Prime Bounties – Quest & Boss Drops (1)

Are you missing a Warframe and unsure how to obtain it? Do you know which Primes have no vaults? To dispel that uncertainty with the release of Khora Prime, I’ve created this guide.
Check back later for newer frame releases because I intend to update this for each release as well.


Each Warframe’s difficulty, requirements, method of acquisition, helpful hints, and the date of release

Every Prime, who is vaulted and what weapons they have, who is unvaulted and what weapons they have, and who is scheduled to be released next.

I hope you find this useful!


This is a quick information tab, so you know what’s going on in this guide.


Difficulty to Obtain:

A number from one to five, stating how hard it is to get this frame in my opinion. Please note that RNG is different per person. Some people could get certain things first try, some in their hundredth.

1 = Almost free. From Excalibur to Nezha.

2 = Boss drops. From Rhino to Saryn.

3 = Quests. From Inaros to Mirage.

4 = Bounties. From Gara to Garuda.

5 = Other grinds. From Harrow to Ash.


This is what you have to do before you can even try to get the frame.

For example, it will show a quest, or a planet you need to unlock.


This is how you get the Warframe. It includes the place, percent chance, and what quest you may have to do.


These are tips on how to acquire the Warframe. Place to try? Items to equip? etc…


The year the Warframe released.


Note: Some frames do semi require certain quests. For example, Chroma does require ‘The Second Dream’ quest and ‘The War Within’ quest (to unlock the planets he is on). However, for Prerequisites, I am only including the things that are fully required. For Chroma, that would be Sedna unlocked and ‘The New Strange’ quest complete.

Note: All text in this guide relating to anything past ‘Chains of Harrow’ quest will have spoiler text over it.

Note: This guide is currently in Beta. I have released the bones of it but have yet to go through and edit and revise. It will be fully released when I do so, and when it’s polished.

That’s it! Every Warframe will have a ‘tab’ like what was above. The last ‘tab’ in this guide is about Primes. It shows every unvaulted Prime, what’s in access, what’s next to vault, and even what the next Primed Warframe and weapons will be.

You can skip to whatever Warframe you need on the bar to the right of this guide.

If you would rather look at it on the Warframe Forums – [warframe.com], go ahead!

Good luck, Tenno!


Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Rising Tides’ quest and the empyrean location Pluto.


Railjack (Unlocked via ‘Rising Tides’ quest. Your Railjack can be upgraded and modded to higher levels by just playing and unlocking Intrinsics and new mods). From Survival (Rotation C; 20 minutes) or Defense (Rotation C; 20 waves).

He has an 8.33% (neuroptics, systems, and chassis) chance in Survival, and 8.55% (neuroptics), 10.26% (chassis) and 10.53% (systems) in Defense.

Venus Proxima: Ash Systems

Neptune Proxima: Ash Neuroptics

Pluto Proxima: Ash Chassis

His blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


I suggest doing Survival and just leveling your Necramechs to get those done, bring some low level weapons, you know. Do some other things while your at it because… he’s quite annoying to get. Defense often takes longer because mods get stuck (even with a speed-nova) Some people even suggest he is worth buying for platinum.


Ash was released in 2012, as one of the original eight frames.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘The Jordas Golem’ quest.


His component blueprints are dropped from the boss the Jordas Golem on Eris.

Atlas Systems: 22.56%

Atlas Neuroptics: 38.72%

Atlas Chassis: 38.72%

His blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


I suggest using Amesha or Itzal. The boss really isn’t that hard, just used a decent archgun and archwing. The quest takes about two days, most of it crafting, but really isn’t that hard either.


Atlas was released in 2015.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Be in a Clan.


Her components are sold from the Tenno Lab in any clan that has her.

Her blueprint is sold from the Tenno Lab in any clan that has her.


No tips to give.


Banshee was released in 2013.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Vox Solaris’ quest, Rank 5 with Solaris United, and Rank 3 with Vox Solaris.


His component blueprints are sold by Little Duck for 5,000 Standing each at Hand Rank with Vox Solaris.

His blueprint is sold by Little Duck for 5,000 Standing at Agent Rank with Vox Solaris.


Run only Stage 1 of the bounties in Fortuna until you gather enough debt-bonds to Rank up to Rank 5. Once you hit Rank 5, do all four phases of the Profit-Taker and gather enough materials for Rank 3 with Vox Solaris.


Baruuk was released in 2018.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘The New War’ quest.


The bounties unlocked after ‘The New War’ quest drop his components on each rotation. The Narmer bounties he drops from are active in Cetus during the daytime in Cetus, and they are active in Fortuna in the nighttime of Cetus. Below are the highest drop chances, however, his components do drop in Stage 4 and Stage 5 as well.

Caliban Systems: 8.11% in Stage 2-3

Caliban Neuroptics: 8.11% in Stage 2-3

Caliban Chassis: 8.11% in Stage 2-3

His blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


Run Narmer bounties up to Stage 3 to be efficient. His components do not drop in Stage 1, only in Stage 2-5. However, the chances are highest in Stage 2-3.


Caliban was released in 2021.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘The New Strange’ quest, Sedna unlocked, and be in a Clan.


The component blueprints are received upon three different Junction completions.

Chroma Systems: Pluto Junction

Chroma Neuroptics: Uranus Junction

Chroma Chassis: Neptune Junction

His blueprint is gained after completion of ‘The New Strange’ quest.


‘The New Strange’ quest is required to even get to the Pluto Junction. Just by working on your Sol System you can unlock him. However, his systems do require Saryn’s systems to build. This requires Sedna. While farming Saryn, you may get two systems. Use one for Saryn, and the other for Chroma. He also requires Ember Neuroptics (Saturn), Frost Chassis (Ceres), and Volt Neuroptics (Clan Dojo).


Chroma was released in 2015.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Saturn unlocked.


Her component blueprints are dropped by the boss Sargus Ruk on Saturn.

Ember Systems: 22.56%

Ember Nueroptics: 38.72%

Ember Chassis: 38.72%

Her blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


No tips to give.


Ember was released in 2012, as one of the original eight frames.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Uranus unlocked.


Her component blueprints are dropped from the boss Tyl Regor on Uranus.

Night Aspect: 11.28%

Night Systems: 12.91%

Night Neuroptics: 12.91%

Night Chassis: 12.91%

Day Aspect: 11.28%

Day Systems: 12.91%

Day Neuroptics: 12.91%

Day Chassis: 12.91%

Her blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


Get a team, and turn your brain off. Just run the boss over and over until you finally get all eight parts. She has three blueprints, one is from the market, and the other two from the boss. All six component blueprints drop from Tyl Regor as well.


Equinox was released in 2015.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Awakening’ quest (if you chose him) or Mars unlocked


In the ‘Awakening’ quest, you can gain Excalibur for free.

A fully built Excalibur is sold from Teshin for 60,000 Conclave standing at Rank 5.

His component blueprints drop from the boss Lieutenant Lech Kril on Mars.

Excalibur Systems: 22.56%

Excalibur Neuroptics: 38.72%

Excalibur Chassis: 38.72%

His blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


No tips to give.


Excalibur was released in 2012, as one of the original eight frames.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Ceres unlocked.


His component blueprints are dropped from the boss the dual boss of Captain Vor and Lech Kril on Ceres.

Frost Systems: 22.56%

Frost Neuroptics: 38.72%

Frost Chassis: 38.72%

His blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


No tips to give!


Frost was released in 2013.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Saya’s Vigil’ quest.


Her component blueprints are dropped from the bounties in Cetus, on Earth. Gara’s parts are from Tier 1, 2, and 3 bounties. Below are the highest chances in each:

Gara Systems: 21.82% in Stage 3

Gara Neuroptics: 21.43% in Stage 3

Gara Chassis: 30.52% in Stage 4

Her blueprint is gained after completion of the ‘Saya’s Vigil’ quest.


The best way to farm her is to speedrun bounties in Cetus and get to Stage 5 plus the bonus reward. The bonus reward is considered another Stage 5 completion, meaning, your chances are practically doubled. You can get her in a couple of bounties, if you’re half lucky.


Gara was released in 2017.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Vox Solaris’ quest.


Her component blueprints are dropped from the bounties in Fortuna, on Venus. Below are the highest chances to get each part:

Garuda Systems: 22.22% in Stage 5

Garuda Neuroptics: 25% in Stage 5

Garuda Chassis: 30.56% in Stage 5

Her blueprint is gained after completion of the ‘Vox Solaris’ quest.


The best way to farm her is to speedrun bounties in Fortuna and get to Stage 5 plus the bonus reward. The bonus reward is considered another Stage 5 completion, meaning, your chances are practically doubled. You can get her in a couple of bounties, if you’re half lucky.


Garuda was released in 2018.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Sedna unlocked.


His component blueprints are dropped from the Disruption mission on Sedna, Kappa, at Rotation C.

Gauss Systems: 7.84%

Gauss Neuroptics: 7.84%

Gauss Chassis: 7.84%

His blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


Run Kappa and get all four Conduits for the first four rounds. If you do so, you can defend only one for the following rounds and still have Rotation C. Keep going until you get him or have to leave, and don’t reset every four rounds since Rotation C sticks around. Save time by bringing good gear and staying till you unlock him.


Gauss was released in 2019.

Difficulty to Obtain:



All nodes completed.


His component blueprints are dropped from the three exclusive Europa missions unlocked from the Arbitration Honor vendor in Relays, which cost 25 Vitus Essence each. The items are called Grendel Part Locators. These exclusive missions have a 100% drop rate of his parts, however, they are highly difficult and call upon skill instead of blowing stuff up. All mods are disabled, along with your Operator, Gear items, and Focus abilities. These are the missions you must complete:

Grendel Systems Locator: 800 Cryotic Excavation

Grendel Neuroptics Locator: 20-minute Survival

Grendel Chassis Locator: 10-wave Defense

His blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


Bring a tank frame, like Atlas, Rhino, or Nidus, stealth frame, like Octavia, Ivara, or Loki, so you can evade attacks and last longer even without mods, or a high mobility frame, like Gauss, Volt, or Titania. I suggest bringing a high damage weapon as well- Kuva/Tenet weapons are strong but lack their elements in this mission. Make sure you can easily dodge attacks or have a team of four to back you and keep each other safe.


Grendel was released in 2019.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Angels of the Zariman’ quest.


Her component blueprints are dropped from the bounties on the Zariman Ten-Zero.

Gyre Systems: 11.11%

Gyre Neuroptics: 12%

Gyre Chassis: 10%

Her blueprint is dropped from the bounties on the Zariman Ten-Zero at a 13.33% chance.


Just keep doing bounties and farm the first couple of levels while you are at it. When farming Gyre, you may also get Alternox, Aeolak, and Hespar blueprints which are three more things to work towards.


Gyre was released in 2022.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Chains of Harrow’ quest.


His component blueprints are dropped from three different spots:

Harrow Systems: 15% from Rotation C and 6% from Rotation B Defection missions

Harrow Neuroptics: 16.67% from Rotation A and 12% from rotation C on the Spy MIssion Pago, Kuva Fortress

Harrow Chassis: 3% chance to drop from Void Fissure enemies

His blueprint is gained for completion of the ‘Chains of Harrow’ quest.


For his systems, get a good team and rush the Defection on Phobos. For his neuroptics, just run the Spy missions a couple times with a decent stealth frame. For the chassis, you should have a couple hundred by now if you are farming his other parts.


Harrow was released in 2017.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Vox Solaris’ quest, Rank 5 with Solaris United, and Rank 2 with Vox Solaris.


Her component blueprints are dropped from the Exploiter Orb boss on the Orb Vallis, Venus. Start it by talking to Little Duck in the backroom.

Hildryn Systems: 22.56%

Hildryn Neuroptics: 38.72%

Hildryn Chassis: 38.72%

Her blueprint is sold by Little Duck for 5,000 Standing at Agent Rank with Vox Solaris.


Get a couple teammates and an hour or two spare, and just go at the Orb. Grab your rewards before the Orb explodes once you kill it.


Hildryn was released in 2019.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Mastery Rank 5


His component blueprints are dropped from the boss Counselor Vay Hek on Earth.

Hydroid Systems: 22.56%

Hydroid Neuroptics: 38.72%

Hydroid Chassis: 38.72%

His blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


No tips to give.


Hydroid was released in 2014.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Sands of Inaros’ quest.


His component blueprints are gained from the ‘Sands of Inaros’ quest.

His blueprint is gained from the ‘Sands of Inaros’ quest.


During ‘Sands of Inaros’, when you begin fighting kavats, I suggest scanning thing (and having a Resource Booster, if possible) so you’re grind for Smeeta, Vasca, and Adarza kavats later on will be easier. Also, if you want to complete your Codex, bring a Helios to scan the boss near the end, or scan it yourself because the quest is not replayable.


Inaros was released in 2016.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Uranus unlocked.


Her component blueprints are gained via Spy missions- Tier 1, 2, 3, Lua, or Railjack count.

Ivara Systems: 10% from Tier 1, 12% from Venus Proxima

Ivara Neuroptics: 7.52% from Tier 3, 12% from Pluto Proxima

Ivara Chassis: 5.64% from Tier 2, 7.37% from Lua, 12% from Neptune Proxima

Her blueprint is found from Tier 3 spy at 7.52% or from Veil Proxima at 12%.


I suggest doing Tier 1 and Tier 3 spies for related parts, and Neptune Proxima for Ivara’s Chassis. Also, for reference, Tier 1 means the planets from Earth to Phobos, Tier 2 means Ceres to Saturn, and Tier 3 means Uranus to Sedna. Proxima are Railjack locations, and Lua is unlolcked after ‘The Second Dream’ quest.


Ivara was released in 2015.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘The New Strange’ quest.


Her component blueprints are dropped from the Sanctuary Onslaught mission.

Khora Systems: 11.28% from Rotation C

Khora Neuroptics: 9.09% from Rotation B

Khora Chassis: 8.33% from Rotation A

Her blueprint is gained from Rotation C Sanctuary Onslaught with an 11.28% drop chance.


Join Sanctuary Onslaught with a couple others and play until you complete Zone 8. If you happen to obtain Khora’s Systems and blueprint before the others, then cut it down to Zone 6 or to Zone 4 if you only need her chassis. Also, for reference, every two Zones is a Rotation. The Rotation for this mission is AABC, meaning Zone 2 and 4 are A, Zone 6 is B, and Zone 8 is C.


Khora was released in 2018.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Heart of Deimos’ quest and Rank 3 with Entrati.


His component blueprints are sold by Father for 5,000 Standing each at Acquaintance Rank with Entrati.

His blueprint is sold by Father for 5,000 Standing at Associate Rank with Entrati.


Lavos’ total Standing cost is 20,000.


Lavos was released in 2020.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘The Limbo Theorem’ quest.


His component blueprints are gained from ‘The Limbo Theorem’ quest.

His blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


No tips to give.


Limbo was released in 2014.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Neptune unlocked.


His component blueprints are dropped from the Hyena Pack boss.

Loki Systems: 22.56%

Loki Neuroptics: 38.72%

Loki Chassis: 38.72%

His blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


No tips to give.


Loki was released in 2012, as one of the original eight frames.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Awakening’ quest or Phobos unlocked.


In the ‘Awakening’ quest, you can gain Mag for free.

A fully built Mag is sold from Teshin for 60,000 Conclave standing at Rank 5.

Her component blueprints are dropped from the Sergeant boss.

Mag Systems: 22.56%

Mag Neuroptics: 38.72%

Mag Chassis: 38.72%

Her blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


No tips to give.


Mag was released in 2012, as one of the original eight frames.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Patient Zero’ quest.


Her component blueprints are dropped from the Infected Alad V boss on Eris, which costs one Mutalist Alad V Coordinate per fight, which are obtained from Invasions.

Mesa Systems: 22.56%

Mesa Neuroptics: 38.72%

Mesa Chassis: 38.72%

Her blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


No tips to give.


Mesa was released in 2014.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Hidden Messages’ quest and Sedna unlocked.


Her component blueprints are gained from the ‘Hidden Messages’ quest.

Her blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


Here are the answers to the riddles in the “Hidden Messages” quest, if you’re looking for them. The first riddle is Olympus, Mars. The second riddle is Calypso, Saturn. Charybdis, Sedna is the third puzzle.


Mirage was released in 2014.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Deimos unlocked.


His component blueprints are dropped from the boss Lephantis on Deimos.

Nekros Systems: 33.33%

Nekros Neuroptics: 33.33%

Nekros Chassis: 33.33%

His blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


No tips to give.


Nekros was released in 2013.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Be in a Clan.


His components are sold from the Tenno Lab in any clan that has him.

His blueprint is sold from the Tenno Lab in any clan that has him.


No tips to give.


Nezha was released in 2015.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘The Glast Gambit’ quest.


His component blueprints are dropped from the Infested Salvage mission on Eris.

Nidus Systems: 14.29% on Rotation C

Nidus Neuroptics: 14.29% on Rotation C

Nidus Chassis: 14.29% on Rotation C

His blueprint is gained from completion of ‘The Glast Gambit’ quest.


During the quest, you will need a good amount of Credits. The Index is not locked by this quest, do farm up a couple million credits from it or from the Profit-Taker. The Infested Salvage mission is highly boring solo, do bring a team if possible.


Nidus was released in 2016.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Europa unlocked.


Her component blueprints are dropped from the Raptor boss on Europa.

Nova Systems: 22.56%

Nova Neuroptics: 38.72%

Nova Chassis: 38.72%

Her blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


No tips to give.


Nova was released in 2013.

Difficulty to Obtain:





Her component blueprints are dropped from the boss Phorid in Infested Invasions.

Nyx Systems: 22.56%

Nyx Neuroptics: 38.72%

Nyx Chassis: 38.72%

Her blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


No tips to give.


Nyx was released in 2013.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Veil Proxima unlocked.


His component blueprints are dropped from the Derelicts located in three Railjack Proximas. They are marked with a white waypoint once you have the Intrinisic Rank Piloting Rank 5.

Oberon Systems: 10% from Earth Proxima Derelict

Oberon Neuroptics: 10% from Grineer Veil Proxima Derelict

Oberon Chassis: 10% from Saturn Proxima Derelict

His blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


Just by doing missions in the three mentioned locations above you may be able to get him. Especially if you stick to doing Derelicts every Empyrean mission as well. Also, by Grineer Veil Proxima, I mean the few missions to the right of the Veil Proxima. All in the middle and to the left are Corpus nodes.


Oberon was released in 2013.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Octavia’s Anthem’ quest.


Her component blueprints are dropped from three seperate locations.

Octavia Systems: 22.56% from Rotation A resource caches on Lua

Octavia Neuroptics: 22.56% from Rotation C survival on Deimos

Octavia Chassis: 100% from the Music Puzzle on Lua

Her blueprint is gained from completion of the ‘Octavia’s Anthem’ quest.


For her systems, just search around in the Exterminate on Lua and find one cache, then extract. For her neuroptics, run a usual survival on Deimos to 20 minutes, and end it. For her chassis, the Music Puzzle is a rare room on Lua that requires you to listen to a couple notes and then repeat it. If you are watching and listening, there should be no problems.


Octavia was released in 2017.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘The Deadlock Protocol’ quest.


Her component blueprints are dropped from all three tiers of Granum Void.

Protea Systems: 11.11% from Granum Void (Nightmare) Rotation C

Protea Neuroptics: 11.11% from Granum Void (Normal) Rotation C

Protea Chassis: 11.11% from Granum Void (Extended) Rotation C

Her blueprint is gained from completion of ‘The Deadlock Protocol’ quest.


For Protea’s Neuroptics, you should use Granum Crowns on a Corpus ship tileset (Phobos’s Capture is a good one). For Protea’s Chassis, you should use Exemplar Granum Crowns on the same tileset. For Protea’s Systems, you should use Zenith Granum Crowns on the same tileset (Pluto’s Capture is a good one).


Protea was released in 2020.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Mask of the Revenant’ quest.


His component blueprints are dropped from the bounties in Cetus. Below are the highest chances.

Revenant Systems: 21.95% in Stage 5

Revenant Neuroptics: 10.20% in Stage 5

Revenant Chassis: 19.05% in Stage 5

His blueprint is gained from completion of the ‘Mask of the Revenant’ quest.


For maximum efficiency, just do the later on Cetus bounties till Stage 5 with the bonus reward. The bonus reward counts are another Stage 5 completion, so you practically double your chances.


Revenant was released in 2018.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Venus unlocked.


His component blueprints are dropped from the boss Jackal on Venus.

Rhino Systems: 22.56%

Rhino Neuroptics: 38.72%

Rhino Chassis: 38.72%

His blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


No tips to give.


Rhino was released in 2012, as one of the original eight frames.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Sedna unlocked.


Her component blueprints are dropped from the boss Kela De Thaym on Sedna.

Saryn Systems: 22.56%

Saryn Neuroptics: 38.72%

Saryn Chassis: 38.72%

Her blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


No tips to give.


Saryn was released in 2013.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Call of the Tempestarii’ quest.


His component blueprints are dropped from the Void Storm missions in the Veil Proxima, Neptune Proxima, and Pluto Proxima.

Sevagoth Systems: 10% from Veil and Pluto, and 9.76% from Neptune

Sevagoth Neuroptics: 10% from Veil and Pluto, and 9.76% from Neptune

Sevagoth Chassis: 10% from Veil and Pluto, and 9.76% from Neptune

His blueprint is gained from completion of the ‘Call of the Tempestarii’ quest.


No tips to give.


Sevagoth was released in 2021.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Veilbreaker’ quest.


His component blueprints will drop from ‘Kahl related things’ according to [DE]Rebecca.


No tips to give.


Styanax will be released in 2022.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘The Silver Grove’ quest.


Her component blueprints are gained from completion of ‘The Silver Grove’ quest.

Her blueprint is gained from completion of ‘The Silver Grove’ quest.


No tips to give.


Titania was released in 2016.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Pluto unlocked.


Her component blueprints are dropped from the boss Frohd Bek and his Ambulas on Pluto.

Trinity Systems: 22.56%

Trinity Neuroptics: 38.72%

Trinity Chassis: 38.72%

Her blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


No tips to give.


Trinity was released in 2012, as one of the eight original frames.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Jupiter unlocked.


Her component blueprints are dropped from the boss Alad V on Jupiter.

Valkyr Systems: 22.56%

Valkyr Neuroptics: 38.72%

Valkyr Chassis: 38.72%

Her blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


Take out the Zanuka first, since it heals Alad V whenever he gets low on Health Points.


Valkyr was released in 2013.

Difficulty to Obtain:





His component blueprints are sold by Nora Night in the current Nightwave Season for 25 Nightwave Creds each.

His blueprint is found in the Market or as a daily login reward.


No tips to give.


Vauban was released in 2013.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Awakening’ quest or be in a Clan.


In the ‘Awakening’ quest, you can gain Volt for free.

A fully built Volt is sold from Teshin for 60,000 Conclave standing at Rank 5.

His components are sold from the Tenno Lab in any clan that has him.

His blueprint is sold from the Tenno Lab in any clan that has him.


No tips to give.


Volt was released in 2012, as one of the original eight frames.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Chimera Prologue’ quest.


Her component blueprints are dropped from the boss the Ropalolyst on Jupiter.

Wisp Systems: 25.81%

Wisp Neuroptics: 25.81%

Wisp Chassis: 25.81%

Her blueprint is dropped from the boss the Ropalolyst on Jupiter at a 22.56% chance.


The Ropalolyst boss is hard first try, but once you get it, it’s not hard. Start by travelling the 1,000 meters to the boss fight. Once you begin the fight, head to one of the three electric towers on the left, right, or forward sides. Let the Ropalolyst try to shoot you and instead shoot the tower. Take out it’s shields with your Amp, and then Interact with it and fly it into the electric tower. Repeat three times, then kill.


Wisp was released in 2019.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Be in a Clan.


His components are sold from the Tenno Lab in any clan that has his.

His blueprint is sold from the Tenno Lab in any clan that has his.


No tips to give.


Wukong was released in 2015.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘Heart of Deimos’ quest and Rank 5 with Solaris United.


Their component blueprints are dropped from the bounties in the Necralisk on Deimos.

Xaku Systems: 10% from Stage 5

Xaku Neuroptics: 10% from Stage 5

Xaku Chassis: 13.04% from Stage 5

Their blueprint is gained from completion of the ‘Heart of Deimos’ quest.


To receive the bonus, complete the missions through Stage 5. You effectively have a second chance to obtain the necessary components because the bonus reward counts as another Stage 5 completion. Gyromag Systems, which come from Vox Solaris and demand Rank 5 with Solaris United in Fortuna, Venus, are also needed by Xaku.


Xaku was released in 2020.

Difficulty to Obtain:



‘The Waverider’ quest.


Her components are sold from the Ventkids Bashlab in any clan that has her.

After completing the mission “The Waverider,” she receives her blueprint.


No tips to give.


Yareli was released in 2021.

Difficulty to Obtain:



Be in a Clan.


Any clan with her can purchase her parts in the Tenno Lab.

Her blueprint is sold from the Tenno Lab in any clan that has her.


No tips to give.


Zephyr was released in 2014.

Before We Begin

The ideal method for obtaining each Prime is not shown in this section. In order to avoid confusion, each one comes from the same source. To obtain Prime pieces in Void Fissure missions, open relics. Relics that are Unvaulted can be obtained from missions and bounties, however Vaulted relics can only be obtained if someone else opens one in your lobby. Relics that have been vaulted can still be opened but cannot be farmed. Three methods exist to obtain each Prime:

-Farming relics and opening them; only Unvaulted.

-Buying relics and opening them or buying their parts and building them.

-From rare Twitch drops, certain Primes are available whenever DE feels like giving them.

Now that’s out of the way, enjoy!

Prime Releases:

Khora Prime* (Released summer 2022) with Dual Keres Prime and Hystrix Prime

Garuda Prime (Released spring 2022) with Corvas Prime and Nagantaka Prime

Harrow Prime (Released winter 2021) with Knell Prime and Scourge Prime

Nidus Prime (Released autumn 2021) with Strun Prime and Magnus Prime

Gara Prime (Released spring 2021) with Astilla Prime and Volnus Prime

Octavia Prime (Released spring 2021) with Pandero Prime and Tenora Prime

Nezha Prime (Released autumn 2020) with Guandao Prime and Zakti Prime

Note: Khora Prime, Duel Keres Prime, and Hystrix Prime are currently in Prime Access, and Nezha Prime, Guandao Prime, and Zakti Prime are next to be vaulted.

* Khora Prime provides 12,000 Mastery Points (instead of the usual 6,000 for a Warframe) because her companion, Venari Prime, also provides Mastery.

Ordered: By Release

Prime Unvaulting:

Chroma Prime (Released autumn 2018) with Gram Prime and Rubico Prime

Zephyr Prime (Released spring 2018) with Tiberon Prime and Kronen Prime

Note: Unvaultings usually last around three months. This one began May 11th, and is assumed to end late August.

Ordered: By Release

Permanent Primes:

Valkyr Prime (Released autumn 2016) with Cernos Prime and Venka Prime

Nyx Prime (Released autumn 2014) with Hikou Prime and Scindo Prime

Note: Permanent Primes are currently only available from Railjack, along with their weapons.

Ordered: By Release

Baro Ki’Teer Exclusive Primes:

Aklex Prime, Akvasto Prime, and Vasto Prime

Volt Prime (Released spring 2015) with Odonata Prime

Note: Baro Ki’Teer comes every two weeks, but does not always have relics for above Primes.

Ordered: Alphabetically

Vaulted Primes:

Ash Prime (Released summer 2015) with Vectis Prime and Carrier Prime

Atlas Prime (Released autumn 2019) with Tekko Prime and Dethcube Prime

Banshee Prime (Released spring 2017) with Euphona Prime and Helios Prime

Ember Prime (Released autumn 2013) with Sicarus Prime and Glaive Prime

Equinox Prime (Released spring 2019) with Stradavar Prime and Tipedo Prime

Excalibur Prime* (Released winter 2012) with Lato Prime* and Skana Prime*

Frost Prime (Released spring 2013) with Latron Prime and Reaper Prime

Hydroid Prime (Released summer 2017) with Ballistica Prime and Nami Skyla Prime

Inaros Prime (Released summer 2020) with Panthera Prime and Karyst Prime

Ivara Prime (Released winter 2019) with Baza Prime and Aksomati Prime

Limbo Prime (Released summer 2018) with Pyrana Prime and Destreza Prime

Loki Prime (Released summer 2014) with Bo Prime and Wyrm Prime

Mag Prime (Released autumn 2013) with Boar Prime and Dakra Prime

Mesa Prime (Released winter 2018) with Akjagara Prime and Redeemer Prime

Mirage Prime (Released winter 2017) with Akbolto Prime and Kogake Prime

Nekros Prime (Released summer 2016) with Tigris Prime and Galatine Prime

Nova Prime (Released winter 2014) with Soma Prime and Vasto Prime**

Oberon Prime (Released spring 2017) with Silva & Aegis Prime and Sybaris Prime

Rhino Prime (Released spring 2014) with Boltor Prime and Ankyros Prime

Saryn Prime (Released spring 2016) with Spira Prime and Nikana Prime

Titania Prime (Released spring 2020) with Corinth Prime and Pangolin Prime

Trinity Prime (Released autumn 2015) with Dual Kamas Prime and Kavasa Prime Collar***

Vauban Prime (Released spring 2016) with Akstilleto Prime and Fragor Prime

Volt Prime** (Released spring 2015) with Odonata Prime**

Wukong Prime (Released summer 2019) with Zhuge Prime and Ninkondi Prime

Note: All above frames and weapons’ parts can be traded, along with their relics, however none of their relics can be farmed in missions. Should you be paired with someone with a Vaulted relic, it will be opened as usual and you can pick the item. Just a disclaimer that these relics can be opened and traded, but are unavailable from farming ingame.

* Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, and Skana Prime are for Founder’s only. Not tradeable, either. These three items do not show up in your Profile unless you have them.

** These items are available from Baro Ki’Teer.

*** Kavasa Prime Collar does not show up in your Profile and is not able to be mastered.

Ordered: Alphabetically

Expected Primes

Revenant Prime (Expected autumn 2022) with Phantasma Prime and Tatsu Prime

Baruuk Prime (Expected winter 2022) with Cobra & Crane Prime

Hildryn Prime (Expected spring 2023) with Larkspur Prime

Wisp Prime (Expected summer 2023) with Fulmin Prime

Gauss Prime (Expected autumn 2023) with Akarius Prime and Acceltra Prime

Grendel Prime (Expected winter 2023) with Masseter Prime

Protea Prime (Expected spring 2024) with Velox Prime

Xaku Prime (Expected summer 2024) with Quassus Prime

Lavos Prime (Expected autumn 2024) with Cedo Prime

Sevagoth Prime (Expected winter 2024) with Epitaph Prime

Yareli Prime (Expected spring 2025) with Kompressa Prime

Caliban Prime (Expected summer 2025) with Venato Prime

Styanax Prime* (Expected autumn 2025)

Gyre Prime (Expected winter 2025) with Alternox Prime

Unnamed Werewolf Frame Prime* (Expected spring 2026)

Note:Two male releases precede two female releases at prime time. However, as this list demonstrates, the order may change. Revenant and Baruuk might switch places, for instance. Baruuk and Hildryn, however, have a very slim possibility of switching spots.

Note: All above with a single Prime weapon will most likely receive another Prime weapon, however it is currently unnamed. I only put their signature weapons above, since, those have always been Primed in the past.

* These Warframes currently do not exist yet, but have been announced.

Ordered: By Release

Thank you for sticking around to the end! I hope you found this guide useful, and I plan to do much more with it in the future.

Now, I am so very sorry, but I have to do what EVERY content creator… EVERY guide maker does.

I really am sorry. Like, honestly, I am.

leave a comment if you have any suggestions for how I can make this guide better. Additionally, please don’t ask if you REALLY like my tutorial and would like me to sign something for you. Just give me a few points that I can get later.

If you have the time, check the formatting in the instructions to make sure it is correct. I did my best to keep each section uniform and I did as much self-revision as I could, but occasionally I still find language and formatting errors. I’ll repair it if you leave it in a comment. I’m grateful.


P.S: Find me ingame as @BubbhaPrime or send me a DM on the forums for any questions.

You can help if you want with these:

-Check your grammar in the Info and Prime tabs

-Sold frames (Baruuk, Lavos, Hildryn, maybe some more) need tabs to be accurate with one another

-Check all RNG tabs to see if the RNG section has periods at the end (remove all if they do)

-Check all tips sections if they all say ‘No tips to give.’ (no exclamation points, only periods)

-Check if all tabs ‘section’ titles (Like History, or Tips) are bolded

-Check spelling and grammar of all tabs

-Check that the History section doesn’t have Atlas on any but Atlas (I used Atlas as a base, may have missed one or two bases being replaced)

-Make sure Notes and all * markers are explaining properly and don’t confuse

-Many elements are spread across several frames. For instance, they must match if a frame is obtained by a RNG task (such as a quest, bounty, or really any chance-based activity). As another illustration, the component blueprints for Limbo and Mirage may both be found in their respective tasks. As a result, their tabs must reflect one another and contain the same writing for each frame. The same is true for frames that are purchased or any that share a method of acquisition with another frame.

Only I can really do these:

-Mag tab needs updating

-All frames that drop from a boss or quest that starts with ‘the’ need to be redone from:

(?) component blueprints are dropped from the boss (?) on (?)


(?) component blueprints are dropped from (the ?) boss on (?)

-Winter: Werewolf tab needs adding/Prime list updated

-Autumn: Styanax tab needs redoing/Prime list updated

-Baruuk needs pricing

-Bunch of tabs need doing

Once that above list is done, then comes my second guide

I intend to create a guide detailing every weapon in the game and how to obtain it, albeit I may never finish it.

Written by Bubbha

I hope you enjoy the Guide we share about Warframe – Obtaining Khora Prime Bounties – Quest & Boss Drops; if you think we forget to add or we should add more information, please let us know via commenting below! See you soon!

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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.