Carter v. Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C et al (6:17-cv-00052), Louisiana Western District Court (2024)

Carter v. Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C et al

Louisiana Western District Court
Judge:S Maurice Hicks, Jr
Referred: Carol B Whitehurst
Case #: 6:17-cv-00052
Nature of Suit360 Torts - Personal Injury - Other Personal Injury
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Personal Injury
Case Filed:Jan 13, 2017
Re-opened:Jun 30, 2020
Terminated:Jul 12, 2021
  • Docket
  • Parties (4)
Last checked: Wednesday Jul 12, 2017 4:06 AM CDT


Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C

Represented By

Frank Allen Romeu, Jr
Hebbler & Giordano
contact info

Charles V Giordano
Hebbler & Giordano
contact info


Texas Roadhouse Inc

Represented By

Frank Allen Romeu, Jr
Hebbler & Giordano
contact info

Charles V Giordano
Hebbler & Giordano
contact info


Texas Roadhouse Management Corp

Represented By

Frank Allen Romeu, Jr
Hebbler & Giordano
contact info

Charles V Giordano
Hebbler & Giordano
contact info


Lisa A Carter

4305 Illinois Ave #C-30
Shreveport, LA 71109

Represented By

Nicholas A Blanda
Anderson Dozier & Blanda
contact info

Docket last updated: 04/12/2024 11:59 PM CDT

Wednesday, December 01, 2021
42 42 1pgsorderOrder on Motion to Dismiss/Joint or Voluntary Wed 12/01 2:28 PM
JUDGMENT granting41 Joint Motion to Dismiss. Signed by Chief Judge S Maurice Hicks, Jr on 12/1/2021. (crt,McDonnell, D)

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Monday, November 29, 2021
41 41 motionDismiss/Joint or Voluntary Mon 11/29 10:55 AM
JOINT MOTION to Dismiss by Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C, Texas Roadhouse Inc, Texas Roadhouse Management Corp, Lisa A Carter. (Motion Ripe Deadline set for 11/29/2021.).(aty,Romeu, Frank) Modified on 11/29/2021 to add filer and modify docket text (Miletello, A)

Related: [-]

Att: 1 Proposed order
Monday, July 12, 2021
40 40 1pgsorderOrder Dismissing Case (30, 60, 90 day) Mon 07/12 4:42 PM
90 DAY ORDER DISMISSING CASE. Signed by Chief Judge S Maurice Hicks, Jr on 7/12/2021. (crt,McDonnell, D)

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Friday, April 23, 2021
39 39 3pgsorderOrder on Motion to Compel Fri 04/23 1:32 PM
MEMORANDUM ORDER granting32 Motion to Compel. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst on 4/23/2021. (crt,Chicola, C)

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38 38 minutesMotion Hearing Fri 04/23 1:29 PM
MINUTES for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst: TELEPHONE MOTION HEARING held on 4/23/2021 re32 MOTION to Compel filed by Lisa A Carter. (crt,Chicola, C)

Related: [-]

Wednesday, April 21, 2021
37 37 respmReply to Response to Motion Wed 04/21 3:25 PM
REPLY to Response to Motion re32 MOTION to Compel filed by Lisa A Carter.(crt,Chicola, C)

Related: [-]

Att: 1 Exhibit 10(a),
Att: 2 Exhibit 13(a),
Att: 3 Exhibit 14(a)
36 36 1pgsorderOrder on Motion for Leave to File Wed 04/21 3:23 PM
ORDER granting35 Motion for Leave to File Reply Memorandum. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst on 4/21/2021. (crt,Chicola, C)

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Tuesday, April 20, 2021
35 35 motionLeave to File Document Tue 04/20 1:58 PM
MOTION for Leave to File Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion to Compel with consent sought but not yet obtained by Lisa A Carter. Motions referred to Carol B Whitehurst. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 4/20/2021.(aty,Blanda, Nicholas)

Related: [-]

Att: 1 Text of proposed order,
Att: 2 Memorandum / Brief,
Att: 3 Exhibit 10(a),
Att: 4 Exhibit 13(a),
Att: 5 Exhibit 14(a)
Friday, April 16, 2021
34 34 5pgsrespmMemorandum in Opposition to Motion Fri 04/16 4:54 PM
MEMORANDUM in Opposition re32 MOTION to Compel filed by Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C, Texas Roadhouse Inc, Texas Roadhouse Management Corp.(aty,Romeu, Frank)

Related: [-]

Att: 1 Exhibit A,
Att: 2 Exhibit B,
Att: 3 Exhibit C-1,
Att: 4 Exhibit C-2,
Att: 5 Exhibit C-3,
Att: 6 Exhibit C-4,
Att: 7 Exhibit C-5
Friday, April 09, 2021
33 33 1pgsorderOrder ~Util - Set Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings Fri 04/09 5:59 PM
ORDER setting Deadlines/Hearing as to32 MOTION to Compel : Responses due by 4/16/2021. Telephone hearing set for 4/23/2021 11:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst. Counsel shall join the hearing by dialing (877) 336-1839 and entering Access Code 2869540. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst on 4/9/2021. (crt,Alexander, E)

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Thursday, April 08, 2021
32 32 motionCompel Thu 04/08 6:52 PM
MOTION to Compel by Lisa A Carter. Motions referred to Carol B Whitehurst. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 4/8/2021.(aty,Blanda, Nicholas)

Related: [-]

Att: 1 Memorandum / Brief,
Att: 2 Exhibit Ex 1,
Att: 3 Exhibit Ex 2,
Att: 4 Exhibit Ex 3,
Att: 5 Exhibit Ex 4,
Att: 6 Exhibit Ex 5,
Att: 7 Exhibit Ex 6,
Att: 8 Exhibit Ex 7,
Att: 9 Exhibit Ex 8,
Att: 10 Exhibit Ex 9,
Att: 11 Exhibit Ex 10,
Att: 12 Exhibit Ex 11,
Att: 13 Exhibit Ex 12,
Att: 14 Exhibit Ex 13,
Att: 15 Exhibit Ex 14,
Att: 16 Text of proposed order Proposed Order
Friday, January 15, 2021
31 31 1pgsorderOrder on Motion for Extension (Other) Fri 01/15 10:25 AM
ORDER granting30 Motion for Extension. Plaintiffs Expert Info/Reports due by 3/21/2021. Defendants Expert Info/Reports due by 4/22/2021. Discovery deadline 5/22/2021. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst on 1/15/2021. (crt,Chicola, C)

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Thursday, January 14, 2021
30 30 motionExtension (Other) Thu 01/14 4:52 PM
MOTION for Extension of the Parties' Expert Deadlines and Discovery Deadline with consent by Lisa A Carter. Motions referred to Carol B Whitehurst. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 1/14/2021.(aty,Blanda, Nicholas) Modified on 1/14/2021 to edit text (Jones, P)

Related: [-]

Att: 1 Proposed order
Monday, August 31, 2020
29 29 orderOrder Allowing Rule 26 Report Mon 08/31 12:00 PM
ELECTRONIC ORDER: Having reviewed the parties' Rule 26(f) Report, IT IS ORDERED that the report is found to be complete. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst on 8/31/2020. (crt,Hays, F)

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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
28 28 miscRule 26(f) Report Wed 08/26 12:19 PM
RULE 26(f) Report by Lisa A Carter, Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C, Texas Roadhouse Inc and Texas Roadhouse Management Corp. (aty,Blanda, Nicholas) Modified on 8/26/2020 to add filers (Dauterive, C)

Related: [-]

Thursday, July 02, 2020
27 27 orderScheduling Order - Hanna/Juneau/Summerhays/Whitehurst Thu 07/02 11:34 AM
SCHEDULING ORDER: Jury Trial set for 9/20/2021 at 9:30 AM in Lafayette, Courtroom 4 before Chief Judge S Maurice Hicks Jr. Pretrial Conference set for 8/19/2021 at 2:00 PM in by phone before Chief Judge S Maurice Hicks Jr. Initial Disclosures exchanged by 7/22/2020. Rule 26 Conference between parties to take place before 7/27/2020. Rule 26 Report due by 8/19/2020. Joinder of Parties and Amendment of Pleadings due by 2/22/2021. Plaintiffs Expert Info/Reports due by 1/21/2021. Defendants Expert Info/Reports due by 2/22/2021. Discovery deadline 3/22/2021. Dispositive Motions due by 4/21/2021. Daubert Motions due by 4/21/2021. Motions in Limine due by 7/20/2021. Conference/Meeting of counsel to prepare pretrial order to be held by 7/20/2021. Pretrial Order due by 8/5/2021. Bench Books due by 8/5/2021. Trial Depositions due by 8/5/2021. Real Time glossary due by 8/12/2021. Affirmation of Settlement Negotiations due 8/12/2021.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst on 7/2/2020. (crt,Chicola, C)

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26 26 1pgsorderOrder Thu 07/02 11:23 AM
ORDER: IT IS ORDERED that the pretrial of this matter is scheduled for August 19, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. and the trial will be conducted on September 20, 2021 in Lafayette. IT IS FURTHERED ORDERED that the Clerk of Court is to issue a new Scheduling Order. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst on 7/2/2020. (crt,Chicola, C)

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Wednesday, July 01, 2020
25 25 minutesScheduling Conference Thu 07/02 11:21 AM
MINUTES for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst: TELEPHONE SCHEDULING CONFERENCE held on 7/1/2020. (crt,Chicola, C)

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Tuesday, June 30, 2020
24 24 1pgsorderOrder Setting Scheduling Conference Tue 06/30 2:00 PM
ORDER: Scheduling Conference set for 7/1/2020 at 2:00 PM by phone before Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst. The parties are to contact the Court at 877-336-1839 Access Code 2869540#. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst on 6/30/2020. (crt,Chicola, C)

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23 23 1pgsorderOrder on Motion to Reopen/Reinstate Case Order on Motion for Hearing Tue 06/30 11:53 AM
ORDER granting22 Motion to Reopen Case; granting22 Motion for Status Teleconference. A status teleconference will be set to select a trial date in due course. Thereafter, a Scheduling Order will be issued. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst on 6/30/2020. (crt,Dauterive, C)

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Sunday, June 28, 2020
22 22 motionReopen/Reinstate Case Sun 06/28 12:55 PM
Unopposed MOTION to Reopen/Reinstate Case and for Status Teleconference by Lisa A Carter. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 6/28/2020.(aty,Blanda, Nicholas)

Related: [-]

Att: 1 Text of proposed order
utilityMotions Transferred Mon 06/29 9:21 AM
Motions Transferred regarding22 Unopposed MOTION to Reopen/Reinstate Case, MOTION for Status Teleconference. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst. (crt,Dauterive, C)

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Thursday, November 30, 2017
21 21 1pgsorderOrder for Administrative Closure Thu 11/30 2:14 PM
ORDER for Administrative Closure. If a joint motion to reopen is filed, the parties are to concurrently submit a joint motion for a scheduling conference to be conducted in order to reset this case for trial. This order shall not be considered a dismissal or disposition of this matter, and should further proceedings in it become necessary or desirable, any party may initiate such motion as if this order had not been entered. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst on 11/30/2017. (crt,Chicola, C)

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utilityCase Assigned/Reassigned Fri 12/01 2:07 PM
***CASE Reassigned to Chief Judge S Maurice Hicks, Jr. Unassigned District Judge no longer assigned to the case. Administrative entry due to administrative closure and for statistical purposes. (crt,Whidden, C)

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017
20 20 minutesStatus Conference Thu 11/30 2:12 PM
MINUTES for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst: TELEPHONE SCHEDULING CONFERENCE held on 11/28/2017. (crt,Chicola, C)

Related: [-]

Thursday, November 16, 2017
19 19 orderOrder Thu 11/16 2:42 PM
ELECTRONIC ORDER Pursuant to the parties' request, the Court will conduct a status conference with the parties on November 28, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. Plaintiff's counsel is to initiate the conference call, joining all parties before contacting the Court at 337-593-5160. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst on 11/16/2017. (crt,Hays, F)

Related: [-]

utilitySet/Reset Hearings Thu 11/16 2:53 PM
Set/Reset Hearings: Status Conference set for 11/28/2017 at 2:00 PM by phone before Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst. (crt,Chicola, C)

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Monday, October 02, 2017
18 18 orderMinute Entry/Order Reassigning Case Thu 10/05 1:04 PM
ELECTRONIC MINUTE ENTRY issued by the Clerk. Case reassigned to Unassigned District Judge. Judge Rebecca F Doherty no longer assigned to case. All pending motions are referred to the assigned magistrate judge for processing. All deadlines and hearings remain as set pending further review by the court. All future filings should bear the name of the new judge assignment. Approved by Chief Judge Dee D Drell on 10/02/2017.(crt,Putch, A)

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Wednesday, September 27, 2017
17 17 1pgsorderOrder on Motion for Extension (Other) Wed 09/27 2:54 PM
ORDER granting16 Motion for Extension. Discovery deadline 1/9/2018. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst on 9/27/2017. (crt,Chicola, C)

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Tuesday, September 26, 2017
16 16 motionExtension (Other) Tue 09/26 4:05 PM
Joint MOTION FOR EXTENSION of to Vacate and Extend Discovery Cutoff with consent of Plaintiff by Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C, Texas Roadhouse Inc, Texas Roadhouse Management Corp. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst.(aty,Romeu, Frank)

Related: [-]

Att: 1 Proposed order
Friday, April 14, 2017
15 15 orderJurisdictional Review Finding Fri 04/14 10:04 AM
ELECTRONIC JURISDICTIONAL REVIEW FINDING: Having reviewed the pleadings, and any amended pleadings, the court finds that subject matter jurisdiction exists pursuant to: 28 U.S.C. section 1332. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst on 4/14/2017. (crt,Hays, F)

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Friday, March 31, 2017
14 14 miscResponse (NOT Motions) Fri 03/31 10:42 AM
RESPONSE MEMORANDUM REGARDING AMOUNT IN CONTROVERSY by Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C, Texas Roadhouse Inc, Texas Roadhouse Management Corp re11 Order, Sua Sponte Jurisdictional Briefing Order . (aty,Romeu, Frank)

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Monday, March 06, 2017
13 13 orderOrder on Motion for Extension (Other) Mon 03/06 11:11 AM
ORDER granting12 Motion for Extension. Defendants, Texas Roadhouse Holdings LLC, Texas Roadhouse, Inc and Texas Roadhouse Management Corp, are hereby granted a 30 day extension of time from the date of this Order within which they may file their memorandum. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst on 3/6/2017. (crt,Chicola, C)

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Friday, March 03, 2017
12 12 motionExtension (Other) Fri 03/03 9:16 AM
MOTION FOR EXTENSION of of Time to Submit Evidence of Amount in Controversy with consent sought but not yet obtained by Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C, Texas Roadhouse Inc, Texas Roadhouse Management Corp. Motions referred to Carol B Whitehurst.(aty,Romeu, Frank) Modified on 3/3/2017 to edit text (Dauterive, C)

Related: [-]

Att: 1 Proposed order,
Att: 2 Memorandum in Support of Motion for Extension of Time,
Att: 3 Exhibit "A" - Written Discovery
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
11 11 orderOrder Tue 02/21 4:15 PM
SUA SPONTE JURISDICTIONAL BRIEFING ORDER: IT IS ORDERED that on or before March 3, 2017 the removing parties shall file a memorandum setting forth evidence and/or specific facts that support a finding that the mount in controversy exceeds the jurisdictional minimum. The plaintiff will then be allowed seven days to respond. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst on 02/21/2017. (crt,Williams, L)

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10 10 orderOrder Tue 02/21 4:13 PM
ORDER: IT IS ORDERED that the Rule 26(f) Report is determined to be complete. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst on 02/21/2017. (crt,Williams, L)

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utilitySet/Reset Deadlines Tue 02/21 4:15 PM
Set/Reset Deadlines: Compliance Deadline set for 3/3/2017. (crt,Williams, L)

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Monday, February 20, 2017
9 9 miscRule 26(f) Report Mon 02/20 2:57 PM
RULE 26(f) Report by Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C, Texas Roadhouse Inc, Texas Roadhouse Management Corp .(aty,Romeu, Frank)

Related: [-]

Att: 1 Exhibit Photos taken at accident scene
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
8 8 orderScheduling Order - Doherty Tue 01/31 10:03 AM
SCHEDULING ORDER: Jury Trial set for 6/4/2018 9:30 AM in Lafayette, Courtroom 2 before Judge Rebecca F Doherty. Pretrial Conference set for 5/22/2018 10:30 AM in Chambers before Judge Rebecca F Doherty. Initial Disclosures exchanged by 2/21/2017. Rule 26 Conference between parties to take place before 3/7/2017. Rule 26 Report due by 3/21/2017. Joinder of Parties and Amendment of Pleadings due by 6/6/2017. Discovery deadline 10/10/2017. Rule 26 Report - PHASE II due by 11/15/2017. Plaintiffs Expert Info/Reports due by 11/15/2017. Defendants Expert Info/Reports due by 12/26/2017. Expert Depositions due by 2/12/2018. Dispositive Motions due by 2/21/2018. Affirmation of Settlement Negotiations due 4/24/2018. Motions in Limine due by 4/24/2018. Conference/Meeting of counsel to prepare pretrial order to be held by 5/10/2018. Pretrial Order due by 5/14/2018. Signed by direction of the Court s/Christine Guidry on 1/31/17. (crt,Guidry, C)

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Thursday, January 26, 2017
7 7 miscResponse to Removal Order Thu 01/26 3:39 PM
RESPONSE TO REMOVAL ORDER by Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C, Texas Roadhouse Inc, Texas Roadhouse Management Corp Supplemental List of Documents Included in the State Court Record .(aty,Romeu, Frank)

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Att: 1 State court petition All State Court Records Prior to Removal
Thursday, January 19, 2017
6 6 answerAnswer to Complaint Thu 01/19 4:05 PM
ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C, Texas Roadhouse Inc, Texas Roadhouse Management Corp.(aty,Romeu, Frank)

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Tuesday, January 17, 2017
5 5 orderRemoval Order Tue 01/17 3:01 PM
REMOVAL ORDER forwarded to all counsel of record. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst on 1/17/17. (crt,Jordan, P)

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4 4 miscProposed Order/Judgment (Court User Only/Public Entry No NEF) Tue 01/17 11:05 AM
PROPOSED ORDER referred to Magistrate Judge Whitehurst. (Public entry, but no electronic notice). (crt,Thigpen, M)

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Friday, January 13, 2017
3 3 noticeNotice (Other) Fri 01/13 5:18 PM
NOTICE by Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C, Texas Roadhouse Management Corp., Texas Roadhouse, Inc. re1 Notice of Removal,, to Adverse Parties(aty,Giordano, Charles)

Related: [-]

Att: 1 State court petition,
Att: 2 Affidavit Verification
2 2 miscCorporate Disclosure Statement Fri 01/13 5:01 PM
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C, Texas Roadhouse Management Corp., Texas Roadhouse, Inc. identifying Corporate Parent Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C for Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C, Texas Roadhouse Management Corp., Texas Roadhouse, Inc.. (aty,Giordano, Charles)

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1 1 cmpNotice of Removal Fri 01/13 4:52 PM
NOTICE of Removal from 15th JDC Lafayette Parish, Case Number 20166356-I with Jury Demand; (Filing fee $400, receipt number 0536-3262717) filed by Texas Roadhouse, Inc., Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C, Texas Roadhouse Management Corp..(Attorney Charles V Giordano added to party Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C(pty:dft), Attorney Charles V Giordano added to party Texas Roadhouse Management Corp.(pty:dft), Attorney Charles V Giordano added to party Texas Roadhouse, Inc.(pty:dft))(aty,Giordano, Charles)

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Att: 1 Exhibit A - State Court Petition,
Att: 2 Civil cover sheet
utilityCase Assigned/Reassigned Tue 01/17 11:03 AM
CASE Assigned to Judge Rebecca F Doherty and Magistrate Judge Carol B Whitehurst. (crt,Thigpen, M)

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Carter v. Texas Roadhouse Holdings L L C et al (6:17-cv-00052), Louisiana Western District Court (2024)


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